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Adult Skin vs. Baby Skin

She’s got your feet but smaller. You both eat your greens. You & your baby are the same, but different. Especially her skin!

Illustration of a cheerful mother holding her baby outside, with a butterfly flying near the baby. Text on the image reads: 'You and your baby are the same, but different. Especially her skin!' with a heart symbol.

Your baby’s skin is much more fragile, and structurally it’s very different.

Illustration of a diagram comparing adult skin and baby skin with the text 'However, their skin is much more fragile: Adult Skin versus Baby Skin. Structurally, it's very different.'


Illustration of an adult smiling while hugging a smiling baby and a dog on a pink bed, with a light pink background and a window in the back. Next to it, a text saying "they have less hair.

They have less hair

Illustration of a mother and baby sitting on a picnic blanket outdoors, both drinking from water bottles. The text on the image reads 'Their skin loses moisture faster.'

Their skin loses moisture faster

Illustration of a child crawling on the floor reaching for a paper airplane with scattered paper around, and the text 'Their skin is paper thin' is displayed next to them.

Their skin is paper thin

Illustration of a parent holding a baby in a kitchen setting. The parent is using a sponge to clean the baby, and the text on the image reads, "Their skin absorbs like a sponge," with a heart symbol.

Their skin absorbs like a sponge

Because your baby’s skin is so fragile, she needs you even more!

Illustration of a baby sitting under a green umbrella on a beach, wearing sunglasses and smiling.

No Sweat!

Babies sweat less, which means she has trouble regulating her temperature, so make sure you keep her out of extreme temperatures.

Illustration of a baby with brown hair in a bun, wearing a yellow tank top and a white diaper, lying on a pink and purple circular background.

Baby rolls!

Because your baby has a higher lipid count, more icky germs can get through her skin, making it easier to get an infection. Change her diaper often and remember the DESITIN!

Illustration of a baby with brown hair in a bun wearing a red superhero cape with 'SB'. Highlights need to monitor a baby's skin and immune system due to vulnerability to infections and red patches.

Defense down!

A baby’s skin is not fully prepared to defend itself, plus she has a lowered immune system, making her more open to infection. Monitor her skin and any red patches.

Illustration of a baby on all fours with a surprised expression, wearing a diaper and blue socks, with red irritation marks on her skin indicating discomfort.

Thin skin!

The protectant layer of a baby’s skin is less developed, so irritants get absorbed easier - plus she has a harder time with friction. Change her diaper often and don’t be shy with the DESITIN.

Teddy bear on the left, rattle on the right, text in the center: 'First choice of pediatricians in the diaper rash category. Comfort restored.'

#1 Choice of Pediatricians*

Comfort, restored.

*In the diaper rash category

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